Using the Simple Present Tense in English

Many of us think that we use the Simple Present Tense when we discuss a situation that is happening at

the moment, but this is not grammatically correct. Remember, we use the Present continuous for these

kinds of situations. So this is when we use the Simple Present Tense:

1) When something is generally or always true. Examples: People "need" food; It "snows" in winter.

2) For situations that are more or less permanent. Examples: I "live" in New Jersey; He "works" in a bank.

3) For routines/things that we do regularly. Examples: I "brush" my teeth twice a day; Do you smoke (when asking about a routine/habit).

4) For short actions described in sequence. Example: He "takes" the ball, and "runs" down the wing and "scores."

5) For future uses discussing a timetable or fixed plan. Examples: School "begins" at 9:00 am; The plane "doesn't' arrive at 7:00 pm, it "arrives" at 7:30 pm.

6) For future uses after the specific words: when, until, after, before, and as soon as. Examples: I will call you when I "have" time; I won't go until it "stops" raining.

7) For conditional situations (the zero and the first) Examples: If it "rains," we "won't" come; If I "am" late, my mom "will be angry."

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