
Showing posts from February, 2019

Effective use of Body Language

Some of these tips have been taken from the American Management Association and Columbia University's and Harvard University’s Business Schools. The effective use of body language plays a key role in communication. Many of our communication trainings have an aspect of body language to them. Here are ten tips for powerful body language:   1. Research at Harvard and Columbia Business Schools shows that simply holding your body in expansive, “ high-power” poses (leaning back with hands behind the head and feet up on a desk, or standing with legs and arms stretched wide open) for as little as two minutes stimulates higher levels of testosterone —the hormone linked to power and dominance—and lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. Try this when you’re feeling tentative but want to appear confident. In addition to causing hormonal shifts in both males and females, these poses lead to increased feelings of power and a higher tolerance for risk. The study...

World Read ALoud Day

Every important social issue that impacts the quality of our lives is affected by our levels of literacy Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing! Social issues include our ability to earn a livable wage to support ourselves and families, having the ability to understand and utilize health care information to stay healthy, the ability to participate fully in society to make valuable contributions, like voting and advocating for social services and governmental policies that enhance our society.   World Read Aloud Day was created in 2010 by the New York City non-profit organization Lit World to promote international, literacy efforts, acknowledging that every human being has the right to learn how to read, write and acquire the adequate language skills necessary to understand and to be understood. It is now celebrated in over 173 countries, annually.  Are the USA’s Literacy Rates Good Enough?       In the USA, 43% of adults with...